Darfur, 2006: There was not much room in the tent. There was less room on the cot. She lay, intertwined with Alex, staring dreamily as light wisps...

MP Summers
MP Summers

MP Summers is a professional environmentalist specializing in trans-national impacts and regulatory compliance.

His career began in 2005, when he dropped out of college and pursued a contract position supporting the Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur.  Following his tenure in Darfur, MP moved to Romania, where he was involved in business development for a multi-national contractor.  While in Romania, MP met his wife, Maria.  

In 2007, he returned to the United States.  He has since executed environmental and sustainability projects throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.  He supports both public and private entities, with a primary focus on land management agencies and recycling.

A Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a member of both the Hakluyt Society and Alianta, MP Summers has a Bachelor's degree from Jacksonville State University and a Juris Doctor from Birmingham School of Law. MP currently lives in Alabama with his wife, son, and two dogs. 

His debut novel, Sketches from the Periphery, focuses on the intersectional roots of the Darfur conflict. It is available on Amazon.

Sketches from the Periphery: A Novel

Darfur, 2006: There was not much room in the tent. There was less room on the cot. She lay, intertwined with Alex, staring dreamily as light wisps of sand sifted in front of the lamp.

Alexander Barr stands on the edge of society. Humanity, devoid of civilization, is bared before him, raw and visceral.

Sketches from the Periphery, MP Summers’...

Other Writing

Instinctual Destruction I’ve burned two books in my life and purposely

I’ve burned two books in my life and purposely abandoned one. I will start with the second book I burned, an ignominious distinction belonging to Henry Miller’s Tropic of Cancer. My wife, Maria, aware of my fascination with the written word, goes out of her way to buy any old book she comes across at thrift stores, swap meets, and estate/yard sales. She knows that I do not like new things and gravitate towards older literature. Treasures have been accumulated under this scheme. Several years...

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The Noblest Dream-an exercise in delusional absurdity The Noblest Dream: a

The Noblest Dream: a retrospective on Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring

I live in mortal terror of Spring, for Spring is when the birds arrive. Those who wistfully muse on the melodic chirps and twits of songbirds are ignorant, urban idiots who have never been exposed to the cacophony-diabolique[1] that, every April, starts at 4:30 AM outside my bedroom window.

The Cacophony! I awake, grit my teeth, and pray for a day when Silence returns to Spring. As I hold the pillows around my ears in bed,...

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Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!